Tuesday, 7 July 2020

Elon Musk interesting ,Logical thinking,First principle,Analogy thinking

Elon Musk interesting, Logical thinking, First principle, Analogy thinking

Logical Thinking

Elon Musk thinking method(First Principle)

A technique which is used by Elon Musk. But other people do not use. Just because Elon is successful in different fields.  Here does not open a company from people. It is also successful in this completely unconventional idea.
 So do you want to know what that secret method: the first principle thinking method. The first principle in this, but before we read why people live so much interest in Elon Musk.

Why people are more interested in Elon Musk 

We read why people live so much interest in Elon Musk. Elon is a person who created a PayPal company, which was an internet payment company. For which he earned 180 million US dollars. After that, he created two companies which were completely different from his experience, the first of which was SpaceX which was aimed at making Reusable Rocket.

Elon Musk's SpaceX

* Now many of us have it  We think yes man, we know about SpaceX company.  but was the work that no one could think of doing, which even many countries were unable to do. Yet despite Elon think with the first principle. Everyone thought that today, Even after an internet guy started a private company  As opened and made jewelry usable lockets in human history for the first time. US space agency NASA and 

 Russian space agency Cosmos could not even do. this was a very big achievement in human history till today if you think that you need to open a space company  So you will find that how much courage needs.

Tesla Electric car
Tesla Battery Car Charging

Elon Musk's Tesla company
The next company that was opened by Elon to start such a new startup was Tesla which used to make an electric car. Actually, the main goal of both these companies was not to earn money.  The problem that was done to solve the problem.  Was that, if we look at the history of the fast 500 years of today, there have been five such major incidents in it, due to which all the living species in the earth were completely destroyed like 445.  Millions of years ago, glaciers were being formed very quickly, 60 to 70% of the species in life was over.  which we also call the automation extension. Collided with the earth 66 million years ago, all the dinosaurs were completely finished which we also call the cretaceous extension.

Only after that we humans came. And if you think next extension will never come and humans will always safe so this is idiot thinking. He had opened the Space x goal so that we can go with less mass. Now many of us think that if become a technology tomorrow then I,  I will not go because it is very risky. but humans every invention is risky. If we go to the airplane then the plane is also very much flying, but we travel it may happen that the plane ever crashes but still  We travel on the plane. Elon seemed to be the second biggest problem was Fossil fuels. That no industry is running today without fossil fuels. are all due to fossil fuels. 
*Now we use three types of fossil fuels. Fist coal, natural gas, Crude oil. So Elon thinks that there are two big problems of using coal. The first problem is that the fossil will run out of the earth soon because it will take 300 million years to become fossil fuel. That was 300 million years ago after the plant's animals dried up, there were buried, cause pressure and temperature,  Oils turned into fuel, so nowadays we drive vehicles. There is too much of a chance to end, for many resources. Some organizations say will be finished in 2050 and gas will be finished by 2007 and cuckoo by 2085  It means that we do not have much time. 
When we  Fuel or fossil fuels burn it emits CO2. Carbon dioxide  CO2 will increase, then the temperature will increase.  if temperature increases by 6 to 10 degrees Celsius, then the ocean water level will be very high up to 200 meters. IF the earth's temperature is 58 degrees Celcius, So the earth's maximum crop of crops and animals will also end. many people think that, If technology will increase, the problem will be solved, but Elon says that it does not happen that technology will not grow like any organism to anyone, it does not grow on its own. Many most intelligent people work very hard to solve any problem and then go and  Improvements are that we soon work very hard to meet someone else to solve a single problem and its first solution was to use electric cars instead of fossil fuels to use in our vehicles and charge it. And Elon opens a company named Tesla(electric car company).  Which also clean energy from the solar panel. Now the most interesting thing is that the maximum car companies did not make electric cars before Tesla. I think maximum car companies don't want to waste money on innovations because people also buying all petrol cars but after Tesla's successes BMW, Nissan, Ford, Volkswagen started making all-electric cars.
That's why they had to change the world.they said that I do not have a business plan. Not only that Elon works so hard that sometimes Elon sleep on the couch at night or sleep down or on your couch, and this person is a billionaire. Elon Musk says that he uses the first principals to think. 

**Now let us see how it is thought from the first principal. We, humans, are mostly in two ways.  
We think first is an analogy or first principle in short. When we think from analogy, then we think based on the idea that exists or what our experiences are and we extract new conclusions. 

*Analogy thinking 

 I want to increase my English-speaking Good English but since childhood, you have been in Hindi Medium School  You have studied this, so you will think in 2 ways. The first one is from your experience, you will think that all my friends, who studied in Hindi school like me, tried to learn English speaking too, but did they not think of it?  It means that the language that was learned in childhood, it was learned that they cannot think well, 

*First principle thinking

If we think from the first principle, then we can say something that both English and Hindi languages ​​are the same, with different types of voices.  Is it possible to extract, am I a parrot or not, why can't I learn English? It means that I can make any kind of voice and also speak English, so it means that in English, both can only need practice.  That is why, using the first principle, we can remove anything conclusively and easily because we break the problem and go into such small pieces that what we know is true.

 Elon Musk says that suppose you have battery pieces  If you want to make it, we can sleep in two ways. If you think through analogy, then you can say that batteries are very expensive even if we do not buy from any supplier, it cannot be cheapened and if we think first principal  So we do this in a battery. Is a battery just a cobalt-nickel steel chain that makes these things? It is very cheap. Most people think the first principle has a problem because our seniors treat us in the same way.  If a child asked why my father was wearing shoes, he could tell his scolding because you might get a cold on which the child would ask why I would get cold. Your Dad said that because the season changes then that child will speak again. 
 **That is why the season changes, his dad can speak on it because the meaning is titled at 3 points 5 degrees.  What happens when the child asks the parents that we  If you are wearing these shoes too, then the parents do not pay attention and say that you must wear it because I am saying this and all the conversion ends there only when it happens to us after a long time, then we just order  There are programs to be taken and the reasoning questions are hiccups or are afraid to ask and this research has also been proved.

Analogy and First Principle Proved in research 

In 1960, researchers named Jobs did a creative test on 1600 children and tested their creativity again every 5 years. When the children were 5 years old, 98% of them passed the test with a good number.
10 Years later, only 30% of the children did a creative test, then only 30% did well in the creative test, and when the children were 20 years old, only 12% of the children did good school in the quizzing test, only 25% of the children did not do it in 25 years.  In short, means that our creativity has reduced, if you ask any question, I will answer that, even my grandmother used to say the same, my uncle used to say the same, the media also says the same thing has gone on for years, no logic can give us an answer.  And very few people use 
First Principal, that is why very few people can think of their logical mind in the world in a conventional way. That means that who knows loan masters because the most play thinking method is the first Principal Think First Principal. think First Principal.  Means that we keep asking ourselves questions and that step  We go into the tent that we know that yes we are right, we are not wrong or we recognize the first principal on that topic and start extracting a strong logic from that first principle. 

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